How to Build your Criterion Collection in the Philippines

“For now, we are only releasing titles from the Criterion Collection, but we will also expand the choices soon.”


Mae Malaya

Last August 2021, after a couple of conversations with other cinephiles, I realized how the physical movie renting and purchasing has somehow died. Very few Filipinos today have a physical copy of their favorite films at home, as every film is already accessible online. It is remarkable really, how films in and out of the country have become more accessible to anyone, but there is also a wanting feeling on collectors who now have limited options on where to score physical copies of their favorites.

With this, my boyfriend and I opened up our online store, Cinema Paradiso MNL, for collectors and film enthusiasts to have easier access on how to purchase some physical copies of film title classics. For now, we are only releasing titles from the Criterion Collection, but we will also expand the choices soon.

If you are interested, you may visit our Facebook page, Instagram

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